Various Artists: Nine Lives: A Musical Adaptation
This wrenching adaptation of journalist Dan Baum's book about nine intersecting New Orleanian lives spanning Hurricane Betsy through Katrina represents the sound of the city in a way that's never been tried before. Screenwriter Colman deKay teamed up with former Cowboy Mouth front man Paul Sanchez (and on many tracks John Boutte') to retell the story.
The story is not an easy one to tell, rendering numbers like the emotion-drenched opener, "Fine in The Lower Nine", more complelling than the toungue -in-cheek "King Of Mardi Gras." The theatricality of the latter, with it's harpsichord and booming Harry Shearer contribution, would border on cloying without the context of the full album. But the scope of the project is so impressive that combing through the story lines becomes part of the fun.